Discover BettyExplorer

BettyExplorer is a community made project done for the purpose of helping creators to have a custom website for their holders with all the needed tools at their disposal. Every explorer was made for free and customized for their collections (if you are interested in having one, just contact me on twitter or discord).


Check collections stats

  • Table view
  • Treemap view
  • Volume

Check wallets stats

  • Summary
  • Table view
  • Collections completion

Check wallets stats

  • Summary
  • Table view
  • Collections completion

Check nfts stats

  • Burnt number
  • Past transactions chart
  • Current listings charts

Token gated assets

Access exclusives files

  • Locked to holders
  • Mutliple viewers to visualize your files
  • Download your assets

Access exclusives files

  • Locked to holders
  • Mutliples viewers to visualize your files
  • Download your assets


Find the right nft for you

  • Dynamic filters for collections properties
  • Lots of generic filters
  • Ability to sort by collection, price, mint date, etc


Creator customisation

  • Change your socials medias
  • Reorder/hide some of your collections
  • Favorite nft

Creator customisation

  • Change your socials medias
  • Reorder/hide some of your collections
  • Favorite nft

Special pages

Special pages

  • Ordinary cards custom pixel score system
  • Shroomgroove game
  • Mixit special audio making tool


Homepage features

  • Find all your favorite creators websites
  • Access all your token gated assets
  • Explore your whole Bettyexplorer wallet

Homepage features

  • Find all your favorite creators websites
  • Access all your token gated assets
  • Explore your whole Bettyexplorer wallet

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